Sentiment Analysis API

Sentiment Analysis API analyzes a webpage on-the-fly and identifies the sentiment in it - positive, negative, or neutral. The sentiment can be assessed towards an entity (query), or the webpage as a whole. Key issues driving the sentiment can also be extracted and returned to the client application. The API powers our own tools, including OpinionCrawl.

Sentiment Analysis API is deployed in a computing cloud. This gives it virtually unlimited scaling capabilities to support client applications. The API supports SOAP and REST protocols (HTTP GET or POST).

The purpose of the API is to empower startups and enterprises that are looking to utilize an affordable high-quality sentiment analysis solution to enrich their applications.

Sentiment Analysis API features include:
• analysis of the sentiment in a Web page or document;
• analysis of the sentiment in a snippet of text (e.g., a blog post comment);
• identifying key issues that drive the sentiment in a positive or negative way.

Detailed API documentation is here: API documentation. UI demo is available.

The pricing is based on a monthly subscription dependent on the requested bandwidth of the API. Free trial is available!

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